Nokia 7500 Prism - Info, service, and my numbers

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Info, service, and my numbers

Select Menu > Contacts and from one of these submenus:
Info numbers — to call the information numbers of your service provider if the

numbers are included on your SIM card (network service)

Service numbers — to call the service numbers of your service provider, if the

numbers are included on your SIM card (network service)

My numbers — to view the phone numbers assigned to your SIM card, if the

numbers are included on your SIM card.

9. Call log

The device registers your missed, received, and dialed calls if the network supports it

and the device is switched on and within the network service area.
To view the information on your calls, select Menu > Log > Missed calls, Received

calls, or Dialled numbers.
To view your recent missed and received calls and the dialed numbers chronologically,